The Bench Ranch’s “Mock Place” was purchased in 1992 by the Susan Heyneman Trust, and in 2004, 616 acres of the ranch were protected with a donated easement held with the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust. The ranch originally provided grazing land for cattle and horses. Upon purchase of the ranch, the pastures were seeded with a mix of grass and alfalfa allowing for dryland hay production and livestock grazing. The land is host to several game species including mule deer, whitetail deer and elk, while also hosting bobcat, mountain lion, black bear, turkey, sharp-tailed grouse, sand hill crane and numerous other species.
The Adamson Place was purchased in the 1940’s by the Padlock Ranch Company, and in 2009, 361 acres of the ranch were protected with a donated easement held with the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust. Like Mock Place, the earliest known use of the property was livestock grazing and hay production, both of which are still the main land use today. During the cold, snow filled months you will find numerous bald eagles settling into their winter habitat along the Tongue River. Adamson Place hosts similar game species to that of Mock Place, along with pronghorn, red fox, badgers, and many other small mammals. The beautiful vistas surrounding both ranches include grand views of the Big Horn Mountains, rolling pastures, ridges, and the Tongue River Valley.