In 2003, Mrs. Roma Rouse donated a 434-acre conservation easement to the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust. The easement sits on the One Bar Eleven Ranch, which was purchased by John and Roma Rouse in 1955. The property consists of a 4-mile corridor of the North Platte River, wetlands, wildlife habitat including Greater Sage-grouse Core Area and Mule Deer Crucial Range, numerous agricultural values, and scenic views as far as the eye can see.

In 2006 the One Bar Eleven Trust placed an additional 201 acres into a conservation easement with the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust. This easement includes the confluence of Brush Creek and the North Platte River, hosts Mule Deer and Big Horn Crucial Range, and provides scenic vistas that are well known to the Platte Valley.

A fun historical fact about the One Bar Eleven Ranch – Mr. and Mrs. Rouse were influential in facilitating breeding and artificial insemination research in cattle and in 1986 gifted a portion of the One Bar Eleven Ranch to Colorado State University for use as a Beef Improvement Center. This area of the ranch was known as the John E. Rouse University Beef Improvement Center. In 2009 the Rouse learn more about the facility and research efforts here: John E. Rouse Beef Improvement Center – Animal Sciences (